On 5th of March, we commence the holy season of Lent with Ash Wednesday, a time of preparation for the celebration of Easter through penance, prayer and works of Charity. In a nutshell, it is one of the best seasons in liturgical calendar. During this Lenten period, the Church gives us numerous pious activities to look back our life and make use of this season to renew ourselves spiritually. At this season, we are earnestly exhorted to visit the churches frequently, spending more time before the Blessed Sacrament. Let us follow this excellent practice and be reconciled with God and neighbors. Another excellent piety given to us is the way of cross which helps us to contemplate the passion of Our Lord and participates in the resurrection of Christ. In the words of St. Paul, this is the favorable time and this is the day of salvation. This is the right moment to return to God.
We are also exhorted to do some fasting and the money we receive through this fasting should be given to the acts of charity, such as helping the poor and the needy. Our Pope Francis says that the fasting which is not oriented towards the helping the poor is considered to be a false fasting. Let us take to heart the advice of the Pope in helping the poor and the needy. Almsgiving is an act by which God forgives and forgets our sins. Please instruct your parishioners to do charity during this season.
On 19th of March, the church celebrates the feast of the great saint, St. Joseph. He is the patron saint of our minor seminary. We wish Fr. Rector, vice-rector and all the seminarians a Happy Feast and promise our prayers for them. The construction of minor seminary is still pending and the papers are with the officials. Kindly pray earnestly so that all the hurdles will be solved. At this juncture, as you know, there is a paucity of vocations in our diocese. The best place for the vocation is the families. Kindly instruct the parents to foster vocations in their families. It is also duty of the parents to nurture vocation.
Thanking you and with manifold of God’s blessings
Yours devotedly in Christ
+L. Thomas Aquinas